Clean Tech Solutions for Airports Are Helping Aviation With Its Carbon Problem


Many of the world’s leading airlines have committed to bringing their operations in line with the net-zero carbon emission goals of the Paris Agreement. And it’s exciting that airports are stepping up, too, by adopting clean technologies to limit greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Here’s how two major players in the airport sector partnered with PowerFlex to improve energy stability, increase profitability, and mitigate environmental impact.

EV Charging Stations: Los Angeles International Airport (LAX)

LAX is a primary gateway into and out of Southern California. The airport is undergoing ambitious modernization to support environmental initiatives and meet future air travel needs:

  • Air traffic growth (plus the 2028 Summer Olympics)
  • Improving passenger experience
  • Reaching net-zero carbon emissions

PowerFlex outfitted selected LAX airport parking facilities with electric vehicle (EV) charging to support sustainability goals. The project included 500 Level 2 and eight Level 3 DC-Fast Charging stations. The EV chargers use PowerFlex’s Adaptive Load Management® technology, which controls real-time energy delivery to individual chargers across a larger network. The advanced software balances the total electrical system load with driver needs to optimize power usage. As a result, LAX was able to install more than double the number of charging ports in comparison to a traditional setup without requiring expensive upgrades to the existing utility service. PowerFlex designed LAX’s EV network to be future-compatible with various energy sources, including solar PV and a battery energy storage system.

Solar Power Production: Signature Flight Support in New Jersey & Connecticut

Signature is the world’s largest supplier of fixed-base operations. The company manages 125+ airport facilities in the U.S., and offers refueling, hangarage, maintenance, and other ground-based services.  PowerFlex worked with Signature on carbon-free electrification — an initiative that supports the company’s net-zero emissions goal. To start, the team evaluated Signature’s facilities to find the most promising (and profitable) locations for solar power generation, considering the following:

Electricity Offset Potential: For each candidate facility, PowerFlex looked at local electricity rates, annual power usage, and site factors that influence solar system output, such as the amount of roof space available for photovoltaic (PV) panels, to establish how much Signature could save.

Solar Access: Using PowerFlex’s highly accurate forecasting methods, the team evaluated the accessible sunlight, angle and orientation of rooflines, weather patterns, and shading factors of each potential location.

Incentives: Installing an onsite solar system opens the doors to federal, state, and utility incentives. PowerFlex weighed all potential savings and considered both active and potential near-term incentives.

Airport Constraints: PowerFlex has experience with meeting complex airport regulations, including the requirements of AHJs (authorities having jurisdiction) and the FAA.

Based on the in-depth assessment results, PowerFlex and Signature implemented PV solar systems at airports in New Jersey and Connecticut. Project highlights include:

  • 10 roof-mounted solar PV systems installed at locations across New Jersey totaling 3.7-megawatts with incentives claimed from New Jersey’s SREC and Clean Energy programs
  • One 687-kilowatt roof-mounted solar PV system installed in Connecticut, that leveraged the Connecticut Zero Emission Renewable Energy Credit

(Related: Connecticut Solar and EV Incentives)

Airport Energy Solutions by PowerFlex

Projects to reduce GHG emissions, such as carbon-free electrification and EV charging, support the aviation industry’s clean energy initiatives. And, as the world accelerates its sustainability efforts, airports can look to PowerFlex as a partner with holistic and innovative solutions. From financing and design to installation, asset management, and maintenance, our team can handle all stages of your clean-energy transformation.