Summer Solstice: The Longest Day of the Year


This coming Wednesday, June 21st, will be the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. The Summer Solstice marks the beginning of summer and is the longest day of the year. On this day, PowerFlex’s clients will maximize the extra sunlight through their solar systems, which will turn every second of daylight into productive, renewable energy. At our headquarters in New York City, we are looking forward to enjoying 15 hours, 5 minutes and 37 seconds of sunlight. In celebration of the Summer Solstice’s benefits to our clients and the environment, we at PowerFlex have affectionately dubbed this day, “EnterSolstice.”The word “solstice” derives from Latin roots meaning “the sun stands still.” This is because the sun reaches its zenith directly over the Tropic of Cancer and appears to maintain the same height in the sky at noontime several days before and after the event (normally the noontime position seems to rise and fall over the course of the year because of the tilt of the Earth’s axis). Yet while the sun stands still, we at PowerFlex continue to work so that our clients’ systems are ready to capture and produce the most solar energy as possible.Our clients, including companies such as Bloomberg L.P., TigerPress and Ricoh, have turned the sun into a lucrative resource and collectively have produced well over 50,000 megawatt hours of energy this past year. The annual environmental benefits are equivalent to planting 910,662 trees, taking 7,422 cars off the road, or powering 3,711 homes for a year.As a clean and renewable alternative to coal and natural gas, solar energy can help mitigate climate change by reducing carbon emissions while allowing companies to shield themselves from the volatility of non-renewable energy prices. PowerFlex is a leading developer of commercial solar projects, and we ensure that going solar is not only a smart environmental choice, but also a savvy financial one too.EnterSolstice is an ideal time to consider going solar. As you enjoy the beginning of summer, remember that your bottom line can soak up the benefits of the sun with a solar photovoltaic system installation.  If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of your business going solar, contact us or call us at 888-225-0270.