PowerFlex's Mentorship Program

Mariah Cummings

At PowerFlex, we value having a supportive work environment where employees can learn from one another.  We provide programs, resources and opportunities for employees to understand aspects of the business that may lay outside the purview of their specific department and to build upon their own professional and personal development. One of these programs is the PowerFlex and MaxSolar mentorship program.The mentorship program gives employees and team leaders across different departments an opportunity to connect with one another and share knowledge. The goal of the mentorship program is to provide employees with guidance on career paths, strategies on how to grow professionally, knowledge of the company though a different lens and a deeper understanding of the renewable energy space.The matching process is simple but deliberate. If team members are interested in becoming either a mentor or mentee, the Human Resources department sends them a survey in order to gather important information to make the best pairings. The survey includes a reflection upon an individual’s skillset, goals and expectations of the program. In addition, individuals can indicate other areas of the business that is of interest to them.  Once the survey has been returned, the Human Resources department reviews and matches each individual mentor and mentee based on the results.The mentorship program is flexible and easily adaptable to the specific interests and availability of each mentee and mentor. Pairings find their own routine in terms of frequency of meetings and what topics they discuss. However, we do ensure employees are provided with resources and a suggested scheduling structure to help them get off to a good start. Human Resources sends an introductory email, including the mentor and mentee, with the program overview, a mentorship action plan and a list of helpful topics of discussion (e.g. what structure they prefer to meet, areas of improvement, confidentiality, career goals, etc.) to initiate conversations.Since the program’s inception, 14 mentors and mentees have been successfully paired. With this program, we are confident that we will continue to foster a supportive, professional environment that focuses on the people, not just the work. We can achieve great things when we work and learn together!

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